© 2024 Debtfreesolutionshub.
All Rights Reserved.
* Our estimates are based on previous outcomes, but actual results may differ depending on your specific enrolled
creditors and individual program terms. Not all clients successfully complete their program due to various factors, such
as their ability to save enough funds. We cannot guarantee that your debts will be resolved for a specific amount,
percentage, or within a certain time frame. We do not take on your debts, make monthly payments to creditors, or provide
legal, bankruptcy, tax, accounting, or credit repair services. Our services are not available in all states, including
New Jersey, and our fees may differ depending on your location. For any potential tax implications of settling debt for
less than the full balance, please consult a tax professional. Be sure to read and understand all program materials
before enrolling. Using debt settlement services may negatively impact your credit, potentially result in collections or
lawsuits from creditors, and may lead to an increase in your outstanding balances due to fees and interest accumulation.
However, any negotiated settlements we secure for you will fully resolve your account, including all accrued fees and
interest. C.P.D. Reg. No. T.S.12-03825.
Savings claims represent an average, including FDR’s fees, for clients who completed or ended their debt resolution
program in 2023. Individual results will vary based on your unique situation. If debt resolution is a good fit for you,
we will provide you with a personalized estimate of your program